Dark web monitoring

Detect and remove your personal information online to protect your privacy and reduce scams and fraud.

Protect your identity

Monitor dark web activity and remove your personal information online.

Reduce exposure to scam calls and fraud

Regain your online privacy. We remove your personal information online from data broker websites to prevent them from selling your info and reduce scam and fraud attempts.


Remove your personal data online


Reduce spam and robo calls


Lower exposure to scam attempts

Dark web and data breach alerts

We monitor the dark web for data breaches and notify you when your Social Security number and other personal details are exposed.


Data breach alerts and data privacy


SSN and private information monitoring


Password leaks and exposed data

There’s a cyberattack every 39 seconds.


Lost to cybercrime
(U.S. FBI 2023)


Increase in cybercrime losses
(U.S. FBI 2023)


Cybercrime reports made
(U.S. FBI 2019–23)

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