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Everyone needs a Genius in their life

Finance experts. Smart Money. Genius gives you access to real people and powerful technology to take your money further.

Ask a Genius

Ask us any financial question, big or small — our geniuses are here to help guide you. Get the honest money advice you need to navigate your financial life with confidence.

Smart Money

We analyze your income and spending to find small amounts we think you can afford to save and invest each week, automatically.

Albert Investing accounts are not FDIC insured or bank guaranteed and involve the risk of loss. Albert Savings funds are held at major banks and FDIC-insured up to $250,000.

Genius makes your money smarter


Get overdraft protection and cash back with an Albert Cash account.


Build an emergency fund and save towards your goals with automatic saving.


Get a custom portfolio by Genius and invest in hundreds of stocks and themes.


Track spending, bill increases, fees, and more to help you stay in control.

Finance experts

Text our team of finance experts for advice or schedule a video call.


Monitor your money for suspicious activity 24/7 with credit monitoring and identity protection.